LindseyJones Univesity Student Dashboard

Project Overview > Project specs | Wireframe Examples

The following screens are provided to indicate functions that need to be included and, to some degree, the appoximate layout and feel of the site. Colors, fonts, exact diminisions are not demonstrated here and are flexible. Each wireframe mockup is meant for developement navigation only.


LindseyJones University Administration- Main Dashboard

Explanation (ABOVE)
This is the LindseyJones admin dashboard. We like the style and approximate layout. It may, of course, be build to fex to wider screens.

Salient Points (what we like and require)
We want to immediately see our list of clients (scrollable list). Clicking on any university client will take you immediately to the Instituation profile page and bring up their specific profile and licensing information.

The abilty to access key reports, including list of clients, report of expiration dates, user feeback, etc
Want to be able to add and mange our own administrator's passwords here

Preferences (we like these things but are flexible)
Failure simple layout, with some minor color coordination, absent of intensive graphics.
We hate lost of clicks - meaning if we can click once a client and it immediately takes to the profile, that is better than checking a box, then clicking button to bring up that client, etc.




LindseyJones Edit Instituional Profile / Control Licencing

Explanation (ABOVE)
This is the LindseyJones admin Insitutional Edit Profile screen

Salient Points (what we like and require)
We want to immediately see our list of clients (scrollable list). Clicking on any university client will take you immediately to the Institution profile and licensing information.

These fields should be immediately editable and saved in just a few clicks. We want to be able to very quickly extend a licece for a client or extend their expiration date.

Active on/off - this allows us to quickly turn off a university's (an all their students) access without deleting them from the system. This may be for non-payment reasons, malicious use, maintainence, etc

View the clients dashboard will allow us to vizualize (read only) exactly what the client sees when loggin on. It should allow to run reports etc. This is moslty use for technical phone support.

Notify email is a quick way of sending an email to the school regarding their access code and perhaps link information they can forward to those students they wish to invite.

Save changes if made - should validate fields before saving.

Preferences (we like these things but are flexible)
This idea shows that each unversity gets an access code that they may distribute. We only use this idea because we want to empower instructors to invite people to join without having to key in alot of information. The access code concept is not neccesary. We simple want people instructors to have control. So perhaps some other way is better.


LindseyJones Admin Add a University/Institution

Explanation (ABOVE)
This is the LindseyJones admin Add Institution screen

Salient Points (what we like and require)

Notify email is a quick way of sending an email to the school regarding their access code and perhaps link information they can forward to those students they wish to invite.

Save changes if made - should validate fields before saving.

Preferences (we like these things but are flexible)
We like fields that are colorful, gradients, etc, better than plain boxes for input. Flexible though.



University Coordinator / Instructor Dashboard

Explanation (ABOVE)
This is the Institution's Admin - coordiantor screen

Salient Points (what we like and require)
Score reports by student, date, degree of activity, exercise title

Their dashboard should show thier student list, each person should be clickable to take them to a student profile screen.

Allow communcation to one, several, or all students. We prefer to give the instructor the change to write a message inside the web (not in their email client) and send to all involve. Would also like it if the sender had the option to send a copy to thier own email. We do NOT want to log messages inside our website. So users cannot look at send messages or anything. We are a bit flexible with this, but our intention is to avoid housing and being reponsible for important messaging and communication between students and instructors. We also dont what instructors to feel like they have another email to check.

Reports can be view only on-screen or by print.

Preferences (we like these things but are flexible)
We like descriptoins under hot links to suggest how they might use that. ex, make assignments, provide instruction. But don't want these to be seperate functions or link. Although, if we did, the subject line could be filled in automatically.

Graphics of any sort on this page looks good. All we could think of was a graphic of licence use. Boring but adds some color and a little sophistication. We're open to ideas.


Coordinator: Student Edit / Query

Explanation (ABOVE)
This is the Student History / profile page

Salient Points (what we like and require)
Allow quick viewing of a particular students history without "running a report" Very often instructors want to see what a student had done quckly without printin something or making alot of decsions such as date range, etc. Thus some kind of at-a-glance activity log is helpful.

Other functions, such as delete, are self-evident

Instructor may send a message strait from here. Again it would be good to be able to pen the message inside our site (without using their email client interface), but we do not want to house or archive message at this time. So the instructor can opt to send a copy to their own email if they which to keep track of their communication.

Preferences (we like these things but are flexible)
Email notification is simply the opportunity to resend the link that allows the student to gain access, incase they lost the info or link or access code, etc.



NOTE: we may post other wireframe examples, but this should give a good idea of the project.